We are so proud of our CEO Scott Snider for graduating from the Yale School of Management @yalesom after two years of hard work and dedication. Scott worked tirelessly toward his MBA while also leading our company and being a husband and father to his three young children. Scott, “The biggest highlight was seeing so many things we’re already doing at Proven validated by one of the top business schools in the country. It gave me the peace of mind to know that not only are we on the right track, we’re leading across the entire healthcare industry.” Congratulations Scott! @yale

We are so proud of our CEO Scott Snider for graduating from the Yale School of Management @yalesom after two years of hard work and dedication. Scott worked tirelessly toward his MBA while also leading our company and being a husband and father to his three young children. Scott, “The biggest highlight was seeing so many things we’re already doing at Proven validated by one of the top business schools in the country. It gave me the peace of mind to know that not only are we on the right track, we’re leading across the entire healthcare industry.” Congratulations Scott! @yale

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/05/we-are-so-proud-of-our-ceo-scott-snider-for-graduating-from-the-yale-school-of-management-@yalesom-a.jpg” size=”large”] We are so proud of our CEO...
We recently spotlighted our amazing Clinical Scheduler and Administrative Assistant, Juli Bethony for our employee newsletter. Here is what Juli loves about her job! She cannot wait until the chaos returns to the center! Thank you, Juli!

We recently spotlighted our amazing Clinical Scheduler and Administrative Assistant, Juli Bethony for our employee newsletter. Here is what Juli loves about her job! She cannot wait until the chaos returns to the center! Thank you, Juli!

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/05/we-recently-spotlighted-our-amazing-clinical-scheduler-and-administrative-assistant-juli-bethony-for.jpg” size=”large”] We recently spotlighted our...
April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2, is World Autism Day. We’re thinking of all of our clients and your families during this time of uncertainty and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2, is World Autism Day. We’re thinking of all of our clients and your families during this time of uncertainty and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/04/april-is-autism-awareness-month-and-today-april-2-is-world-autism-day.-we’re-thinking-of-all-of-ou.jpg” size=”large”] April is Autism Awareness Month...
As long as our clients need us, we’ll be there. We at Proven Behavior Solutions remain committed to providing our clients the medical services they need even with the enormous challenge of this pandemic. Using recommended safeguards from the CDC and local boards of health, and now best practices in telemedicine, we will continue to provide the highest quality ABA and Speech therapy services in Massachusetts.

As long as our clients need us, we’ll be there. We at Proven Behavior Solutions remain committed to providing our clients the medical services they need even with the enormous challenge of this pandemic. Using recommended safeguards from the CDC and local boards of health, and now best practices in telemedicine, we will continue to provide the highest quality ABA and Speech therapy services in Massachusetts.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/03/as-long-as-our-clients-need-us-well-be-there.-we-at-proven-behavior-solutions-remain-committed-to-pr.jpg” size=”large”] As long as our clients need...
Employee testimonial time! Katelyn Gerrior is one of our amazing Registered Behavior Technicians. She works both in our clinical center and in the home and has worked for Proven for about a year and a half. We are lucky to have Katelyn on our team!

Employee testimonial time! Katelyn Gerrior is one of our amazing Registered Behavior Technicians. She works both in our clinical center and in the home and has worked for Proven for about a year and a half. We are lucky to have Katelyn on our team!

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/03/employee-testimonial-time-katelyn-gerrior-is-one-of-our-amazing-registered-behavior-technicians.-she.jpg” size=”large”] Employee testimonial time!...
If you have an adult with autism in your life and could benefit from learning more about insurance coverage, check out this webinar hosted by the Autism Insurance Resource Center: Title: Health Insurance for Adults with Autism Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Presenter: Amy Weinstock, Director, Autism Insurance Resource Center Focusing on health care coverage for adults on the spectrum, this webinar will include information about: ? Private and Public Insurance Options ? Keeping a Dependent on a Parent’s Policy ? MassHealth Premium Assistance Medicare ? How Social Security affects coverage Space is limited. To reserve your space contact, Angelica.Aguirre@umassmed.edu (if you require accommodations, please let us know at least 1 week prior to the date the webinar is scheduled)

If you have an adult with autism in your life and could benefit from learning more about insurance coverage, check out this webinar hosted by the Autism Insurance Resource Center: Title: Health Insurance for Adults with Autism Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Presenter: Amy Weinstock, Director, Autism Insurance Resource Center Focusing on health care coverage for adults on the spectrum, this webinar will include information about: ? Private and Public Insurance Options ? Keeping a Dependent on a Parent’s Policy ? MassHealth Premium Assistance Medicare ? How Social Security affects coverage Space is limited. To reserve your space contact, [email protected] (if you require accommodations, please let us know at least 1 week prior to the date the webinar is scheduled)

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/03/if-you-have-an-adult-with-autism-in-your-life-and-could-benefit-from-learning-more-about-insurance-c.jpg” size=”large”] If you have an adult with...
The Red Sox will be holding an Autism Awareness day game on Saturday, April 4 at 1:05 p.m. vs. the White Sox. Tickets are on sale now for $37 and $40 in the Grandstand. New this year is a special blue puzzle pattern B hat for anyone who orders tickets through their special offer! Link to purchase tix in bio. @redsox

The Red Sox will be holding an Autism Awareness day game on Saturday, April 4 at 1:05 p.m. vs. the White Sox. Tickets are on sale now for $37 and $40 in the Grandstand. New this year is a special blue puzzle pattern B hat for anyone who orders tickets through their special offer! Link to purchase tix in bio. @redsox

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/02/the-red-sox-will-be-holding-an-autism-awareness-day-game-on-saturday-april-4-at-105-p.m.-vs.-the-whi.jpg” size=”large”] The Red Sox will be holding...
We are thrilled to finally announce the addition of a new ABA program for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder ages 16-26. After nearly a year in development, we are excited to be able to support the needs of this group of individuals in home and community-based settings across the South Shore. We know that many young adults with Autism need just as much support as younger individuals, just different kinds of support. Similar to our other programs, this Young Adult program will allow us to answer a critical need in our community with a quality-first approach that we believe is unmatched in the region. Visit our website for more information. Link in bio.

We are thrilled to finally announce the addition of a new ABA program for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder ages 16-26. After nearly a year in development, we are excited to be able to support the needs of this group of individuals in home and community-based settings across the South Shore. We know that many young adults with Autism need just as much support as younger individuals, just different kinds of support. Similar to our other programs, this Young Adult program will allow us to answer a critical need in our community with a quality-first approach that we believe is unmatched in the region. Visit our website for more information. Link in bio.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/02/we-are-thrilled-to-finally-announce-the-addition-of-a-new-aba-program-for-young-adults-with-autism-s.jpg” size=”large”] We are thrilled to finally...