Insurance-Funded Services Information
(An Act Relative to Insurance Coverage for Autism)
ARICA is a law passed in 2010, requiring private health insurers in Massachusetts to provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of ASD. The legislation affects only certain types of health care policies, so coverage under ARICA depends on the type of policy you have. Private insurers, employees and retirees under the state plan, hospital service plans and HMOs are all required to comply with the mandate.
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Many employers have “self-funded” plans, which are regulated under a federal law and not subject to ARICA; however, a majority of “self-funded” plans in Massachusetts are covering autism treatments.
Contact your employer or insurer to ask if your policy is self-funded or not. Even if your plan is self-funded, your company may provide coverage under ARICA, and/or cover autism therapies. If your plan doesn’t provide coverage for therapies, there are options for obtaining insurance through MassHealth and/or the Health Connector to access coverage. Important: If a child is transitioning out of Early Intervention and will need alternate coverage, it’s important to plan this well before the child turns 3, as some of the alternatives can be accessed only during specific enrollment periods.
For more information on ARICA and how it may affect you or your child, please go to