Transition to Adulthood

The transition to adulthood is commonly one of the most stressful periods for a family of an individual with Autism. It doesn’t have to be.

Often, due to limits on services and supports financed by insurance companies, Medicaid, and state governments, families are left feeling adrift and alone while planning for the future of their young adult. Fortunately, there is information available to help guide parents and caregivers through this period, and it’s never too early to start preparing.

Below you will find three resources.

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Transition Resources


We will continuously seek more information to share with you as it becomes available.

If you know of another resource, please contact us so we can share it!

To download any of these three resources, hover over image and click to download.

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Transition to Adulthood Memo from Autism Speaks

For more in-depth information, you can find their Transition Toolkit at

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Life Journey: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood

From the Organization for Autism Research (OARC)

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Adulthood Transition Guide

From the recently shuttered Autism Consortium, containing tailored information relative to parents in Massachusetts.

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