What is ABA?

What is ABA?

ABA is an intensive, structured teaching program in which social and communication behaviors are broken down and rehearsed in their simplest elements. The goal of this treatment should address improving communication, social interaction, and play skills. Many...
How to Find a Good ABA Provider – Trying to find help when your child is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is hard. Proven Behavior Solutions can help.

How to Find a Good ABA Provider – Trying to find help when your child is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is hard. Proven Behavior Solutions can help.

Trying to find good help? For many families, that is even harder. Since the Act Relative to Insurance Coverage for Autism (ARICA) law passed in Massachusetts in 2010, families have been presented with new options for treating ASD. One of those options is Applied...
April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2, is World Autism Day. We’re thinking of all of our clients and your families during this time of uncertainty and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

April is Autism Awareness Month and today, April 2, is World Autism Day. We’re thinking of all of our clients and your families during this time of uncertainty and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://provenaba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2020/04/april-is-autism-awareness-month-and-today-april-2-is-world-autism-day.-we’re-thinking-of-all-of-ou.jpg” size=”large”] April is Autism Awareness Month...