This study out of Yale looked to identify biomarkers for autism and has now received the funds needed to proceed to phase 2. Not only is their work impressive, the collaboration across multiple large university research centers, the National Institutes of Health, and Boston Children’s Hospital gives reason for hope that we’ll see even more significant breakthroughs in the years ahead.

“‘Everything we do to treat autism is currently based on clinical subjective decisions,’ said James McPartland, professor in the Yale Child Study Center and of psychology, who has led the study for the past five years and will direct the renewal. ‘It’s not the same as making decisions based on biology.'”

Source: Yale-led project continues probe into biological markers of autism | YaleNews

Proven Behavior Solutions is a group of specialized professionals committed to improving the lives of children and adolescents affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the South Shore and Upper Cape Cod regions of Massachusetts.

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