Our CEO Scott Snider recently sent the following COVID-19 update to Proven families and staff. Read on to hear about our projected re-opening date for the Clinical Center and how we’re handling protocols to keep our clients and staff members safe.

Proven Families,

I hope this message finds you well and that you’re able to enjoy some of this amazing weather.

It’s been a little while since our last COVID update, so I wanted to quickly catch you up to what we’ve been doing at Proven to continually manage this crisis. As most of you have experienced, we’ve maintained our consistent rhythm with a mix of in-home services and telehealth that have worked so well throughout the worst of the COVID surge. Moving forward, we intend to keep the same staffing structure and protocols in place until further notice. Even though we’ve done an incredible job preserving safety while providing care, I believe it’s still too soon for us to consider relaxing our protocols.

Center-based services are tentatively scheduled to resume after the July 4th holiday. The Clinical Team has been diligently working on a reopening plan that addresses the various guidance given by State agencies, to include EEC and DESE. Even though as Healthcare we fall under HHS, we are reviewing other departmental requirements to ensure our Center environment is as safe and functional as possible. Once the new Center safety protocols have been finalized, those families with children in our Center-based program will be given detailed information about what to expect. Something important that I can share with you right now is that we were lucky enough to find one of the scarce hospital-grade disinfectant machines that can disinfect surfaces for two weeks with one application. Part of our reopening plan involves a schedule for regular use of this machine to keep the Center disinfected. It’s a big win for an agency like ours to find one.

Finally, for those visiting our facilities either at the Norwell Center, our Admin building across the cul-de-sac, or the Plymouth office, we do have hygiene protocols in-place that follow the State’s reopening guidelines. Please be aware that social distancing is in effect in all Proven buildings and that mask use is required when social distancing cannot be maintained. Hand-washing and/or hand sanitizer use is required of anyone upon initial entry or reentry into our facilities. If you need to stop by to talk with any of us and are unsure what to do, please give us a call and we’ll be happy to walk you through it.

Thank you for your continued trust in my team. If you have any feedback you can give me on things that are going well or things we can improve, please let me know.


Proven Behavior Solutions is a group of specialized professionals committed to improving the lives of children and adolescents affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the South Shore and Upper Cape Cod regions of Massachusetts.

If you would like more information about our services, please contact us using the fields below or send us an e-mail ([email protected]). A representative will respond to you within 2 business days.